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I started working with Dionne to help with a phobia I’d struggled with for years. I admitted to Dionne on our first session that I was sceptical if hypnotherapy could cure my phobia, as I thought I was “too far gone”. She explained the science and the brain mechanics associated with phobias and how they are based on primal instincts and not rationality. This put me at ease and assured me I wasn’t being silly or irrational.

Dionne is highly talented at what she does. She is very soothing, therapuetic, professional and personable. She remembered details of my life when catching up the following week and took a genuine interest in my health, wellbeing and life, all of which are so important in building trust and rapport with a practitioner.

My phobia has improved significantly – I definitely do not feel the same palpitations and fear I used to, and have learned coping mechanisms that I’m able to execute if I’m ever faced with my fear.

Thank you, Dionne!

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